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Unique Wish Shop Group

Public·16 members

This also a group for the whole website, not just the money making shop, that I am currently building. So you can talk about whatever you want about the site. I'll take any suggestions that you think would make the site better. Or any products that you think I should start selling. And I have a Suggestion box for that on my desktop and mobile view of my website. It's just not on the app yet. But you can post pictures on here of online products that you want me to start selling. And give the link with the current pic and details and price on here. I'm going to be adding a lot more shops and products. We will be adding 20 more products this week, and then 20 more products next week, and we're going to add at least 20 Or more products every week. We just need some unique and popular ideas of products that a lot of people would like to buy. Something that's hard to find anywhere else. We want to be unique!


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